Monday, February 8, 2010

somn de voie

acaså aveam scheletu de pat mare si salteaua mai micå. aråta ca o sticlå de apå pe jumåtate plinå pe raftu de la supermarket. iar eu dormind eram ca un mic pe gråtar. si asa nu se poate.

asa cå ave craigslist, tzac-pac, gåsesc la o fatå care se mutå in los angeles, saltea de vanzare, conditie super-bunå. ajungem la ea, io si roy (art directorashu cel viteaz) si då-i cu smalltalk pana vine man with van så må ajute, så må transporte, så facå el cu dubitza ce nu face alladin cu covoru.

"so, are you moving out?"

"yea, i'm moving to LA. just got a job there."

"oh yea, what do you do?"

"i write."

"that's co..."

"for a porn magazine."

"...ooler. wait. what?! and what do you write about?"

"well, i test and write reviews for sex toys. i also interview porn actors and watch a lot of porn and grade it. you know, that kind of stuff. i'm a sex toys expert."

"you could say you have a master in bation."

"haha. yes."

o tåcere se ashterne, io si cu roy ne uitåm unul la celålalt, apoi la ea, apoi la saltea, la care roy

"you must've had a lot of orgasms on this mattress."

"omg. like tons."

"oh. nice. good vibes. did you also squirt on it?"

"oh no, i'm not a squirter."

pfff. uite, blogu ei. prietenu ei e actor de filme porno. ea zice cå nu o så se futå pe film, cå ar omori-o ai ei.

deci am saltea cu personalitate. i-am spus Lucy.

somn usor.

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